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Super I
  • Heileen, de mon faux nom,
  • 25 ans
  • la majorité de mes dents,
  • allergique à l'orthographe (ça va presque mieux en le mentionnant)
  • Le compte à rebours est lancé
  • : allez, soyez sympas, achetez-moi des trucs pour mon anniversaire...
  • Le meilleur du best of the top
  • Mon fil RSS que j'avais oublié de mettre (j'ai quand même déménagé pour ça !)
  • Le grand chant épique que vous êtes en train d'écrire

    N'oubliez ni l'essentiel, ni les impondérables :

    6. Create the Enemy
    Every Fantasy Land has a Dark Enemy, an almost omnipotent ArchVillain who is trying to utterly destroy it. It is not clear how the ArchVillain benefits from this. This Villain always has access to vast armies which require no food, payment or other provisioning and can travel thousands of mile and lay siege to cities without any need for a catering corps. For all this, the Enemy is completely dependant on some insignificant object such as a ring or a piece of rock for his power.

    7. Make it long.
    The important thing about an epic fantasy novel is that the reader must be exhausted at the end of it. They must feel that they have overcome as many obstacles in getting through the book as the heroes have in fulfilling the quest. So the book must be as difficult to read as possible. To do this:

    (a) Tell the story in incredible detail. Describe every day of the journey, how far they walked, what they ate, the weather, where they slept, especially days where nothing happens.

    (b) Fill every dramatic situation with lengthy introspection. At every moment of crisis the hero must minutely examine his feelings, perceptions, identity, whether he left the gas on etc.

    (c) Never take the easy way out of a crisis. For example, if the Wizard Guide holds great power, he will never use it to solve a situation.

    10. Kill almost everybody.
    The Loser/Hero must achieve his goal, gain the power, discover the secret word or whatever only at the last possible moment when all seems lost. To do this it will be necessary to make him fall down and twist his ankle, have an identity crisis, become enchanted etc continually on his way to the goal. Most of the Motley Bunch must die in terrible pain and degradation before the Loser/Hero gets his act together. This is to keep us mad at the Enemy, thought it is basically the Loser/Hero's fault for being so slow and incompetent.

    Via Bookslut

    Ecrit par Heileen, à 16:52 dans la rubrique "Laissez-moi me marrer".

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