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Super I
  • Heileen, de mon faux nom,
  • 25 ans
  • la majorité de mes dents,
  • allergique à l'orthographe (ça va presque mieux en le mentionnant)
  • Le compte à rebours est lancé
  • : allez, soyez sympas, achetez-moi des trucs pour mon anniversaire...
  • Le meilleur du best of the top
  • Mon fil RSS que j'avais oublié de mettre (j'ai quand même déménagé pour ça !)
  • EPO : Enhanced Poetic Organ ?
    Comment font certains auteurs pour écrire autant ? Peut-être qu'ils se dopent finalement, cela pourrait expliquer bien des choses...

    Treating himself to a rare moment away from the literary grindstone, Updike, progenitor of (gasp) 63 published works, according to the Writer's Directory, confirms that he has been ingesting performance enhancers for years. "I used to dope myself with cigars and coffee," he says, "though during the past couple of decades I had to switch to Lipton tea and Paul Newman's pretzels. It's not quite the same jolt, and I'm not sure if my performance hasn't fallen off, but those have been my addictions."
    I reached Buckley on the phone just as he was about to inhale.
    "Right now I'm taking Thackeray, a great performance enhancer. I've been taking Balzac for some years, although you do have to be wary of the French products -- they can be very exotic. And you want to be careful with the generic Canadian performance enhancers, like Robertson Davies. You just don't know where they've been."
    Ecrit par Heileen, à 11:01 dans la rubrique "Laissez-moi me marrer".

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