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Oh, la vilaine petite farceuse !
Certains bloggueurs prennent leur pied à inventer des rumeurs : dans la blogosphère littéraire -- plutôt réduite quand même --, ce n'était pas encore arrivé. Mais youki ! réjouissez-vous ! Maud Newton vient de lancer la mode : en voulant faire rire tout le monde en publiant une fausse dépêche Yahoo! écrite par un ami à elle, elle a fait croire (malgré elle, dit-elle) que Madonna prenait des cours d'université en espérant avoir un diplôme de lettres mention "women's studies, gender and queer theory".
Madonna has already put in her application at Oxford University, and is expected to start attending classes during the Spring Semester. "I've spent a lot of my life doing things for myself, but I want to give back to other people, my children, my supporters. My ultimate goal is to do what I've always done, but to do it better, with more authority. I want to be a teacher."
"But grade school or high school? No. At the university level? Yes, that is something that I have become more interested in as I've gotten older and matured. It is also something that I think I am more prepared to do."
Madonna is in interested in studying Maxine Hong Kingston, Jeanette Winterson, and photographer Cindy Sherman who the future Dr. Madonna has donated money for to her exhibit at the MOMA in 1997. "I want to be more like Judith Butler than like Michel Foucault."