Envie de créer un weblog ? |
Le nec plus ultra pour créer un site web. |
Now with no books or literacy we can finally eliminate language, at least language in the traditional sense. Hearing somebody speak in complete sentences will be confusing and hard to follow. When the world is surrounded by graphics, speaking in words seems inappropriate. Since it is impossible to speak in images, something else needs to be worked out. At first it will be best to speak using chat room abbreviations; when you find yourself amused at something, you will smile and tell the person ‘L-O-L’ or when you are leaving you will say ‘B-F-N.’ A formal, romantic wedding proposal would look something like, ‘W-Y-M-M?’
Avez-vous déjà imaginé ce que serait un monde où règnerait l'illétrisme ? Ce serait chouette. En tout cas, si j'en crois ce petit délire...