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Super I
  • Heileen, de mon faux nom,
  • 25 ans
  • la majorité de mes dents,
  • allergique à l'orthographe (ça va presque mieux en le mentionnant)
  • Le compte à rebours est lancé
  • : allez, soyez sympas, achetez-moi des trucs pour mon anniversaire...
  • Le meilleur du best of the top
  • Mon fil RSS que j'avais oublié de mettre (j'ai quand même déménagé pour ça !)
  • L'ennui, quel plaie quand même !
    RB: So is there a deep or deeper reason why you write or that you attach to literature?
    PC: I don’t want to be bored.
    RB: You don’t want to be bored?
    PC: [laughs] I don’t like being bored. In the beginning, as a young and ignorant man in my early 20s I discovered there were such beautiful things in the world like As I Lay Dying, for instance, and Ulysses. The thought that one might actually make something very beautiful, that had never existed before was really what I wanted to do. And in the end, that’s what I want to do. I would like to make something that is new and is beautiful. I may have – to the reader – more obvious obsessions. Things that I do. But I think that’s what sustains me and what excites me. I might make something new and that I hope might be beautiful.

    Une interview (très longue) de Peter Carey, récemment primé Meilleur Livre Etranger, à propos de son dernier livre : My Life As a Fake.

    Maud Newton)
    Ecrit par Heileen, à 21:49 dans la rubrique "Littérature anglo-saxonne".

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